Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Igniting Your New Year!

    • Ignite Your New Year Welcome Message from Jason

    • Tell me why you're here and how you heard about this course.

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    Ignite Your New Year Tool Kit

    • Design Your Ideal Day

    • 5X5+1 Feedback

    • Tribal Inventory

    • Word In-Word Out

    • The Other Side of Fear

    • Jelly Bean Life Video--link in PDF

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    Next Steps...

    • Check out what 30 Days to Blaze is all about!

    • 4 Ways to LIGHT YOUR FIRE with 30 Days to Blaze

    • 30 Days to Blaze Video Blooper Reel. I DARE YOU to watch and try not to laugh!

    • Help us make this course better and let us know what you think!