Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Tribe of Five

    • Tribe of Five Welcome Message from Jason

    • Original overview video for 30 Days to Blaze--will give you a good overview of the course.

    • Tell me about you in this short survey!

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    Course Content

    • Journaling Workbook—First Five Days

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    Facilitator Tools

    • Tribe of Five Facilitator Guide

    • Meeting #1 Facilitator Video--The Kick Off

    • Meeting #2 Facilitator Video

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    Daily Videos (Days 1-5)

    • 30 Days to Blaze Blooper Reel

    • Day 1

    • Day 2

    • Day 3

    • Day 4

    • Day 5

  • 5

    Tribe of Five--Fire Starters Kit (Partial)

    • Tribal Inventory

    • 5X5+1 feedback

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    You're a FIRE STARTER! Check out next steps here!

    • You did it! Here's what you need to do next!

    • How was the course? Fill out this short survey and let me know!